Friday, March 06, 2009

New Star Trek Trailer Out

Star Trek was one of the things that saved my soul in high school. I started with DS9, then moved on to TNG. These stories fueled my hope for my future at what is a difficult time for most.
I was thoroughly disappointed with Rick Berman's treatment of Roddenberry's brainchild, and with most of the TNG films. To me they sapped the core essence of Star Trek and left it as an action-filled, empty shell of what it once was.
Recently CBS posted the entire classic series of Star Trek online, and I've been enjoying those episodes for what they are. Not all of them are great, and some of them are even silly, but they had that special essence of what Star Trek is all about.
I was disappointed when I heard the new film was going to be a reboot, even though I was excited to hear they were going to have a Romulan villain. I was even more disappointed with the first few trailers that were released. The new trailer has only confirmed my suspicions that the new film will not be Star Trek, only something marketed as such and missing the soul, the meaning, and the themes that Star Trek should have and explore.
The set design has grown on me, but I feel the uniforms were only there to warm up the sterile bridge set. I'm disappointed over the whole Uhura getting-it-on thing. Eric Bana as Nero is a joke.
Sure, I will go see the film. But I don't think I'm going to like it.


don said...

I love the original Star Trek TV series. Without it none of the later versions would exist. Kind of like the evolution of music I guess.

It was produced at a time when manned space flight was new and exciting and there were a lot of other cultural and technological breakthroughs that are taken for granted now. Plus it it was done with film and there's a magic just to that.

I've seen later versions I liked, but I'm not sure the whole idea is fresh anymore like it used to be. No doubt it's nothing like it was when it first came out.

Diane Lowe said...

Every time I see a particularly good episode or arc of episodes, I am reminded how fresh those ideas are and why I enjoy the shows so much. :)

I'm disappointed that film executives feel the only way you can have a successful film is to action-and-sex it up.

I still feel there are interesting ideas to explore within the Star Trek universe, especially as it relates to our own space program. I really enjoyed the moral-dilemma episodes, and I get the feeling that the central internal conflict to the new film is going to be another rehash on the conflict-with-father or conflict-with-self-expectations theme. Frankly, that bores me a bit, mostly because you never see a story where the protagonist doesn't win!
I really like that they cast Simon Pegg as Scotty. I can't remember if I liked that casting before but now I think he will be great comic relief.

don said...

I went to hear James Doohan (Scotty) give a lecture one time at U of M and then they showed a vintage Star Trek episode. I think it was the pilot for the first TV show or the first episode that had two parts. Then Doohan answered questions from the crowd about the first TV series. It was pretty cool. He talked about how difficult and expensive the special effects were back then.