Monday, August 29, 2005

Sweat It Out

I forgot how out of shape I am. I went down to the HPER (Tech's gym, for those unfamiliar with the lingo) today to work out, expecting to start running again, and ended up going for a 10 minute walk on the treadmill and a 20 minute session on the new elliptical machine. And that was enough for me. For today at least. Maybe I'll be able to run for 30 minutes straight in October at the rate I'm going.

For those who haven't experienced the new elliptical machines, they appear to be a cross between a stair-stepper and an elliptical machine. It's a very weird motion to get used to.

Had my Literature of Decadence class today. That class is going to be a lot of fun. Mein prof. is so entertaining, he can spew a lecture worth two pages of notes (front and back) in an hour and a half. Most profs. are lucky to get half the front page in a 50 minute time period. That, and there's so much interesting stuff to be said about totally wacked characters who only seem capable of focusing on sex, food, pleasure, and themselves, for the most part. The challenge is to see how far we can get before passing judgement on these people.

Anyway, in terms of my relative unenthusiasm for school, Lit. of Decadence is the most exciting thing since Coffee AND Chocolate in ice cream.

I'm supposed to write about my accomplishments for my Writing 2 class tomorrow. And I honestly can't think of an accomplishment worth mentioning. I managed to graduate high school near the top of my class, with honors, but then I thought most of the people I graduated with were dolts. I'll be Tech's first female Software Engineer, but it'll take me 5 years to escape with my degree. I was Tech's chapter of the ACM's president for a year, but I was so mentally out of it that I wasn't a very good leader. I used to be a Marine Officer Candidate, but I managed to wash out because I couldn't pass the initial PFT(Even though I blame my still-healing ankle and the sinus infection I had 3 weeks before shipping, in reality I think I'm just weak). I totalled two vehicles in under six months. I managed to find myself someone crazy enough to marry me in college, but he was a passive-aggressive emotional abuser. Are these accomplishments that I should be proud of? I think not. So what do I put as "accomplishments"?

Nothing I have has been bought with my own sweat and blood. I have nothing to show for my 4+ years of college education, except that I don't want to be a software engineer. I have no job experience for the dream job I've picked out, no job experience whatsoever unless I want to be a barista for Starbucks or handle chicken at KFC.

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