Sunday, July 04, 2010

Race Report - Redondo Beach 4th of July 5K

Well today surely could have gone better.  I can't imagine it going worse!

It was kind of the perfect storm of crappy circumstances.  I had wanted to PR for this 5K but I knew I had slim chances, given I did a long (7.5 mile) run yesterday that I consider a resounding success.  In the grand scheme of things I feel the long run was a lot more important to feel good about than the 5K.

Showing up at the race at 7:00 AM wasn't early enough this year; the awesome parking spot I had last year had already been taken, so I had to park about a block and a half further away.  Not bad, but there aren't many free parking spots in that part of town.  I can't imagine how ridiculous it will be next year, having to show up 90 minutes before the race.

I do really love how much support this 5K gets every year.  It's also fantastic to see all the parents out with their kids and dog people out with their dogs.  I saw a pair of Dalmatians who were just raring to go, as well as a woman with both a Dachshund and a very grumpy German Shepherd.  Lots of happy Labrador Retrievers as well.

The weather was great for running; not sure what the actual temperature ended up being, but it was overcast and relatively cool.

From this day forward I will not deviate from my proven breakfast strategy of Clif bar and banana chased with water and sometimes coffee.  Oh man.  I thought I'd be fine with cereal and strawberries since that was what I had yesterday morning, but no.  My race day stomach would not have anything of it.

TMI warning, but this was my first race where I had to deal with day 1 of a "monthly" visitor.  Totally not fun.  I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

My legs were still pretty tired from last night's run, and about halfway through my calves and ankles were screaming, "What fresh hell is this, woman?  What is WRONG with you?"  I did have to stop and walk a few times, but I think overall I'm a much stronger runner now, even compared with last year.

I was able to have an all-right kick at the end, and I definitely pushed myself pretty hard that last mile; hopefully the photos come out with me looking like a winner and not desperate or goofy-looking.  I want some awesome "I am woman, hear me roar!" finish photos some day.  My time? 33:44 (10:53 min miles).  Not bad considering the situation.  Maybe I'll sign up for a Turkey Trot this fall and try to PR then.  I definitely think I'm capable of a sub-30:00 5k under better personal conditions.


don said...

I used to do cerial the morning of a bike event, but now I usually do half a bagel and a banana. Then I start eating energy bars while riding.

Diane Lowe said...

I don't think I could keep down a bagel - I need some protein in the energy bar to keep me from feeling hungry before I start. I kind of flaked on this race, thinking that I'd be OK just eating whatever, but obviously that wasn't the case. My stomach just DID NOT want to have anything to do with milk and cereal sloshing around.

I like having PowerBar energy gels on the run, but something as short as a 5k doesn't require extra fuel.

I think I'm going to sign up for a Turkey Trot this year to try and PR (personal record) on my 5K. I definitely think with the right training plus resting the day before will help immensely. Also on runs that short when I'm rested I don't even need to take the water break, so that should save me 30+ seconds of time as well.

don said...

I'm sure cycling is different than running. I've never been a runner. But time is a factor. Some of the cycling events are 6 hours or more. If you will only be out for a couple of hours then hydration is probably more important than solid fuel while running and you'd fuel up days before. I guess you get a feel for it.

In the old days I'd eat cereal in the morning and then rely on that for a long time. Now I eat light in the morning and eat constantly after that while riding.

Jules said...

Wow, Diane, sorry for being absent here for so long. I'm proud of you.. you rock just for doing it, no matter what your times were. :)

Diane Lowe said...

Thanks Jules! It's a good race, just wasn't my best day. :)