Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mail-Order Pheasants & Roasting Pans

My parents are coming to visit me for the holidays. Well, just for Thanksgiving, and then they'll be back in a few weeks for Christmas.

Normally, I like spending the holidays with my parents. After all, they're family.

This year I'm terrified. This Thanksgiving will be the first time my parents will see my apartment, which is stressful enough on its own. Actually, Dad has always been accepting of my living arrangements, but Mom likes to nitpick. I think all moms like to nitpick about their offspring's apartments. I love my Mom, but her nitpicking stresses me out.

On top of parents-seeing-the-apartment-for-the-first-time stress, I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Dad even mail-ordered a pheasant that is getting UPS-ed to chez moi. As my downstairs neighbor suggests, I'll probably be the only woman in Los Angeles with a pheasant for Thanksgiving. I don't even have a roasting pan.

Not to mention my dad has more-than-average diet restrictions. I hate artificial sweeteners. Splenda is the sneaky one of the lot.

So this week will get devoted to making sure the apartment is presentable (and not just livable, which is its nominal state), and finding the necessary cooking supplies (none of which I have storage room for) for Thanksgiving next week.


don said...

I'm curious about the details of how you will roast the pheasant?

Diane Lowe said...

Here is the plan: (I've always had a soft spot for Emeril's recipes)

Emeril's Favorite Roast Pheasant

don said...

Wow Diane, you are couragous! That's what I like about you.

That recipe sounds kind of tricky however. I've never had my oven up to 500. But Emeril is the man. He should know.

I've cooked a few pheasants. I shot them of course. I just cooked a mountain grouse that shot. Hot and fast was the key with it.

Let us know how it turned out.

Gunner said...

when was the last time you dusted behind the toaster?

You ever sweep behind this couch?

Those curtains do not go with this wall paper.

The pictures on the wall are so....unusual.

You pay HOW MUCH for this small place!?!?!

There. I got the big ones out of the way for you.

Diane Lowe said...

Thanks! I can feel my adrenaline levels rising already!


The Sinister Porpoise said...

Another blogger beta blogger. Well, if my mother disapproves of my apartment, she'll have to do it from beyond the grave...

Hope things work out, have I linked to you by the way?

Diane Lowe said...

I hope things work out too. Today was payday, so I was going to stop by a cooking supplies store and get that roasting pan. . . .

It doesn't look like you've linked to me. . . .

Anonymous said...

Apparently it is their job to be critcical.

What would you rather she do? Be a bit critical... or SAY NOTHING??!!

The latter is worsem as it gets you all paranoid!

Have a good time, though!