Friday, June 05, 2009

So Many Films. . . .So Little Free Time

There are a lot of great arthouse films out right now that I don't think I'll be able to review them all! So to summarize - the links take you to the respective trailer on YouTube:

Seraphine - French naive painter and cleaning woman Seraphine de Senlis is discovered by William Uhde. In French.

Departures - This year's winner of Best Foreign Film at the Oscars. Japanese cellist loses orchestra job, finds gainful employment in the undertaking business only to be ostracized by his family and wife. In Japanese.

Easy Virtue - Typical British comedy of manners based of a Noel Coward play. Critics concede it's not fantastic, with good performances by Kristen Scott Thomas and Colin Firth. Mediocre performance by Jessica Biel. I'd like to see it just because it seems like it's the only fun arthouse film available right now. And I'm a sucker for those Art Deco era society films.

Moon - Sam Rockwell's version of 2001 on the moon? Kevin Spacey stars as the HAL 9000 upgrade. Looks like the best pure sci-fi film to come out of any corner of Hollywood in a very long time. I definitely am going to see this.

Downloading Nancy - Just run the hell away from this one. Woman leaves husband to find "love" and "release" in S&M relationship from the internet (ahh, *this* is why I need to stop online dating!). This is probably a late-night-in-the-hotel-and-there's-nothing-on-TV kind of show to watch.

How long are Tweets supposed to be again? Maybe I should reconsider trying out Twitter.

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