Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garden Update

Am I way in over my head?
I am running out of room for containers!
I cut off the Peace rose buds when I saw them infested with aphids one afternoon. Not a ladybug in sight. The rose hasn't been putting out new leaves or anything like that, so I decided to help it focus on growing roots. I didn't really want to see what an aphid-infested bloom looked like, anyway.

I finally caged my tomatoes! The Early Girl is growing like a weed; as tall as the rose is. The Better Boys have finally figured out how to grow up and have started to put out leaves almost as prolifically as the Early Girl.
I added a jalapeno pepper and a patio tomato today. The Patio is supposed to be a cherry tomato. So we'll see. I also added a white carnation today too; it was horribly root-bound and I thought I could try dividing the plant. I was horrified to discover it was one plant! So I hope it survives. I wanted to use the pot that came with the miniature rose my parents gave me for my birthday, but when I tried to pour out some rainwater it slipped out of my hand and broke. Thankfully it was in clean pieces, so I'm going to try to epoxy the thing back together this weekend. Then it can serve as a water catcher for one of the carnations (if either of them make it)

My herbs are doing well; you can see I gave the chives a haircut (for the mashed taters I made earlier this week). I think the bottom herbs are getting a bit waterlogged though; the Thai Basil is still unhappy and you can see that some of the chives are yellowing. So I'm going to cut back and just water once a week and see how they do.
I started some mesclun seeds today; that's what the plastic is covering over the one pot. After they've sprouted I'll pull the plastic off. The Lobelia seeds haven't sprouted yet so I'm not sure what went wrong there. I've kind of given up on that idea though.

What else? The strawberries are really taking off too; the flowers that were there a couple weeks ago are now baby strawberries, and there are lots of other blooms and baby strawberries on their way as well.


Jules said...

Wow, D!! I thought I was into plants and gardening! You outclass me, my dear! Could be the extended growing season for you though. I'm not sure where you live, but here in Canada we can only grow things from the end of May till September. I feel excited about your stuff though, it's nice to see things growing already. :O)

Diane Lowe said...

Aw! Thanks!

I live in Los Angeles, so we have a pretty long growing season. The temps here in South Bay are relatively cool though; I think today is in the 60s and tonight will be in the low 50s. It was a little colder last week, with the nights in the high 40s.

My parents are pretty excited about my stuff too; they are in Idaho, and I think they still have snow on the ground in places.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey girl!

Nice garden...looks almost as good as you :)

Sorry we couldn't meet when I was down there. Unbenounced to me, it was a work only vaca, except for Easter. So I was driving dad to and from work all week between the Valley and Ventura on account of his vision problems...ugh! Then as soon as we got back he had catarac surgery. So things have been really crazy.

What have you been growing?