Friday, December 01, 2006

Toys For Tots

I work near a Mattel Store, and yesterday I got a coupon for mega discounts there. Turns out I had to get a Mattel Toy Store membership card to use the coupon, and the parking there yesterday was hellish, so I didn't buy any toys. I don't have any kids of my own, nor do I know any little ones well enough to buy them a present for Christmas. You might be wondering why I'd want to spend money in a toy store.

The Marine Corps' Toys For Tots Foundation has always been one of my favorite charities, even though I've never made a donation. (Yes, I'm partial to the Marines. Haven't you noticed?) So I had this great idea that I could buy a toy from the Mattel Store to donate to Toys For Tots, and do something nice to make a little one's Christmas great. Dad told me to stop by the local Marine Recruiting office and get the nearest donation drop-off point from them.

There's one on my commute, so after not buying any toys (because of the parking situation - I can try again today), I stop there anyway to find the drop-off point. As I walk up to the office a Marine walks out, gets into his truck and drives away.

I enter the office and there's six Marines sitting around, which amazes me because I thought at almost-5-o'clock they would either be on their way home or busy finding warm bodies to send to Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Can we help you miss?" (I'm amused at how polite they are, or rather I'm just amused when anyone is formally polite to me - I could probably write a blog on the subject)
"Is this a Toys For Tots donation drop-off point?"
"Yes it is!" One of the Marines points out a pile of toys lovingly arranged, guarded by a line of tinsel garland.
"Great! I don't have any toys to donate today, but I'll bring them back later."
Thank you ma'am, have a good evening, etc., etc. I get out of the office and walk back to my car. When I'm halfway across the parking lot one of the recruiters leaves the office and calls after me,
"Miss?" He catches up with me and says,
"Here's our card with the office cell phone number. Give us a call when you're going to stop by and we'll make sure someone is in the office waiting for you."
"Excellent! Thank you!"
Have a good evening, etc., etc. The Marine sergeant goes back into the office.
I look at the card. Maybe this sergeant does this to all his cards, but I notice another cell number penciled in on the card.

Maybe I'm paranoid (he could have easily just been doing his job), but I've noticed that the men in California are generally 100x more lecherous than men from other places I've been (except for maybe Italy). While I could easily get caught up in the romantic notions of dating a Marine, I think it would end up poorly for me. Not that I necessarily think that Marines are bad people to date (quite on the contrary), but I think on some level it would reinforce the pain I feel regarding my failed attempt at their Officer Candidate's School.

And that's not something I think I'm ready to revisit or process anytime soon.

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