Thursday, June 12, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

One never quite faces mortality quite like when someone one knows passes away.

I went to high school with this kid and his twin brother. I think the Spectrum link will expire in a couple weeks, so here's another link. He wasn't even 25.

I didn't know him or his brother very well, but we rode the same bus and probably had a class or two together.

I found out when I was snooping on another high school alum's blog. I've been reading a lot of blogs by people who I went to high school with lately. You find one blog from one person and that blog has links to ten other blogs of other people I barely know. They all share fairly public information and you can find out the names of their kids (with pictures) and some of the things they are up to these days. I don't know if I would feel comfortable putting that much information about myself in a public place like that. Maybe it doesn't really matter since anyone could find anything about you they wanted or needed on the internet, with a little ingenuity.

I wonder what would have happened to me if I took a different path in life. There were a couple people I could have gotten married to and maybe I'd be married with kids by now. What an odd thought! The idea that I could have kids at 25. That just seems so young to me.


don said...

That is sad.

Diane Lowe said...

I think so.

I found him on MySpace a couple years ago. If you go to the page now the "About me" says, "My name is Shane and I am an alcoholic."

It's such a waste of youth and potential.

Sometimes I get really down about things but then I feel like I have an obligation to my parents and to society. Maybe not so much to society because if I died I have life insurance policies that would more than cover my financial burdens, but still. I have responsibilities that entail me to keep living.

Maybe I would feel differently if my parents were gone and I'd already been in my career 10 or 15 years.

From his obituary, it just seems like he went to Iraq and then came home to die. That is so sad. What a waste.

Krista said...

Diane thanks for sending me the link to the spectrum. That is soo sad. I didn't know him very well either, I just remember he was very quiet. Just curious- how do you find people from our high school's blogs?

Diane Lowe said...

Hi Krista!

I go on Facebook and a lot of people have links to their blogs from there.

If you can't find any I'll send you a couple links.