Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I Guess You'll Do

I recently had a conversation with my mom over the phone regarding the college class I'm taking online. . . .

Mom: "Oh, that's great! School will be such a great place for you to meet new people!"
Me: "Well, I don't think I'm going to be meeting many people. The class is online. I watch the professor give the lecture in a classroom and I'm at home."
Mom: "Oh. But you still have to go to campus, don't you?"
Me: "Yeah, but only for the midterm and finals."
Mom: "Well, maybe you'll meet someone on campus then."
Me: "Well, maybe, but everyone is going to be focused on taking their tests and they won't be trying to meet someone new."
Mom: "Oh well that's no good. You should take class on campus."

I Guess You'll Do

A while ago I had another phone conversation with my mom. It started with her saying something about how she was getting older and she still wanted to be around and spry enough to enjoy having grandchildren.

Me: "Well Mom, I guess I can just find any guy to get married and have kids with. Who cares if he's a drug dealer and beats me!"
Mom: "Oh no, you have to find a good one!"

I think I would find all of this really funny if it wasn't so sad.

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