Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Hey, Dude On The Blue Line!

I took the Metro from Pasadena to work this morning as an experiment to see how viable it actually is.

It's really not bad. I was able to transfer to each of my trains without missing one or much confusion. Timewise it's maybe 15 or 20 minutes longer than driving, and I'm definitely not missing sitting in traffic. Maybe once the novelty wears off I'll want to reclaim my time.

When I got on the Blue Line today there was a fellow who gave up an extra seat he was occupying so that I could sit down. I did thank him, but forgot to tell him to have a nice day when I got off the train for my next connection.

So if you're the fellow who was getting off at Pacific Coast Hwy and let me sit down next to you on the train, thanks again! I hope you had a nice day.


don said...


don said...

Tonight on the PBS show NOW, there was a piece about riding the Metrolink and they went from LA to Pasadena. So I got to see what that's like.

Diane Lowe said...

I'll have to watch that! How much did they show? Probably just the Red Line to the Gold Line. . . .

Is this the right link?

Anonymous said...

You're so sweet! :) I'm sorry I haven't called you back, I've been so swamped lately, it seems like everything is due NOW!!