Thursday, October 23, 2008

Someone Please Explain To Me

What right Utah voters have to interfere with California politics?

At least they called the whole idea off.

I got a phone call from an old dude a couple weeks ago. He asked me if I had made up my mind about Proposition 8. I said yes, I had, and he asked me what way I was going to vote. I said I was going to vote no (I should have told him it was none of his business!!!) and he asked me if I was 100% certain.

Why? If I wasn't would he have tried to convince me otherwise? I should have asked him questions that would really show his prejudices.

I have no idea if the old dude was calling me from Utah or not, but it sure was annoying.

I was originally not going to blog about this, but I'm starting to get sick of reading about this issue and dealing with it everywhere I go.


don said...

Curious. The article in the trib didn't outline the reasons why the church supports the proposition. Perhaps it goes without saying, but did the old dude give any reasons?

Diane Lowe said...

The old dude didn't give any reasons. I honestly have no way of knowing what religion he follows, if any, but in light of all the attention Mormons have been getting in the news regarding their support, I wouldn't have been surprised.

I mean, the guy could have been honest and said that he was a homophobic scared bigot, but that would have been too easy. :)

Here's a recent SL Tribune article.

I quote, "The LDS Church's campaign to pass Proposition 8 represents its most vigorous and widespread political involvement since the late 1970s, when it helped defeat the Equal Rights Amendment." That says a lot right there.