Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dinner For 1 - Soy Eggs & Rice

I recently discovered Roger Ebert's blog, and while I may not always agree with his movie criticisms, I do enjoy his writing.

He wrote a great ode to the rice cooker, which inspired me to dig out my own rice cooker and try to cook rice with it again. I think Zojirushi is a good brand, although I've never owned a rice cooker made by them. I also have, until recently, always made rice disasters from the various rice cookers I've owned throughout the years, and usually made rice in a pot on the stove when the occasion called for it.

My mom made soy eggs for me when I was growing up, and they were always one of the mysterious Taiwanese snacks that had no formal name. When I was in Taiwan last year I embarrassed myself by mispronouncing the Chinese term (apparently I said "street lamp" instead), and for the rest of the trip was reluctant to speak in Chinese.

You can also throw a small roast, tofu, and/or root vegetables in the soy stew, for a well rounded meal. Serve with rice.

Soy Eggs (adapted from "Soy-Stewed Beef Over Rice" in Chinese One Dish Meals)
1/2 c. soy sauce
1 T. sugar
1/4 tsp. whole peppercorns
6 hard boiled eggs
1 lb pork roast

Find your small crockpot. Put everything in the pot and cover with water. Let slow-cook at least 6-8 hours. You should have enough in here for three meals. Serve over rice.

You can add some green onion or ginger root as well for a more complex flavor.


don said...

I'm trying to imagine how this would look.

Diane Lowe said...

Hi Don!

They look like hard-boiled eggs, but brown. I should have taken a picture. :(

If you search on Google Images for "soy eggs", you can easily find one!