Tuesday, June 22, 2010

There is No "The One"

I read this today in the comments section of a Slate advice article, and was overjoyed at the wisdom of this statement:

"Just to clear something up with my characteristic killjoy crabiness: There is no "The One." That is a fantasy sold to us by movies and romance novels. If you are looking for "The One" you will end up constantly chasing after greener grass once the initial heat of a relationship dies down, and, in my opinion, doing so will make you unhappy.

From my perspective, making a long-term relationships work takes dedication and compromise - deciding what you want and then sticking to it. Love is important, but secondary. Of course there are limits, but deciding that you're going to commit to a relationship does more toward making you satisfied in the relationship than love. Love(the eight month kind) comes and goes and in a relationship sometimes all you have to hang on to is your decision to hang on. That decision will make him "The One" more than anything else.

Sorry, not completely on topic, I know. Just like to blabber."
Now, just try telling this to the people I date.  My relationships tend to last around 8 months.  :-P

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