Saturday, February 11, 2006

'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'. . . .

Yes, yes, I stole. But the idea wasn't patented.

A is for Age: 22
B is for Booze of Choice: I'm a big fan of the Amaretto Sour
C is for Career: Student, then who knows!?
D is for Dad's Name: Mike
E is for Essential Items to Bring to a Party: Depends on the Party; most likely I would bring a bottle of wine
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Let's say Pon de Replay by Rihanna
G is for Favorite game: Risk
H is for Hometown: I was born in Long Beach, CA (LBC Baby!) lived in Ontario, CA and Cedar City, UT, but I don't have any one city to call home.
I is for Instruments I can play: Piano and maybe some percussion stuff from way back in the day. And maybe a tune or two on the Concertina.
J is for Jam I Like: I'm a big fan of strawberry preserves and boysenberry preserves.
K is for Kids: As in how many I have (0) or how many I want (2)?
L is for Living Arrangements: Two bedroom apartment by myself.
M is for Mom's Name: Jen
N is for Name of Crush: F
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: 0
P is for Phobias: snakes, icky spiders, failure
Q is for Quotes I Like: That one by General Charles Krulak; I leave you to discover it on your own
R is for Relationship that Lasted the Longest: Eeewwww. I spent way too much time on that one fellow. 2 years and 2 weeks too long to be exact.
S is for Sexual Preference: Last time I checked, I'm straight.
T is for Travel: I'd like to go to Ireland, Argentina, Brazil. . . .Red China, Austrailia, revisit Italy and check out Florence and Rome. . . .Switzerland might be fun to redo too. . . .Egypt and Peru, the list goes on and on
U is for Underwear: As in the kind I like to wear or the ones I'm wearing now?
V is for Vegetables I Love: Potatoes, Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Corn, Tomatoes (although technically they're a fruit), Mushrooms, Bok Choy. . . .
W is for Weekend Plans: My honey is taking me to a very secretive, surprise dinner tonight, and then I think tomorrow I'm going to go to Mass with my honey and then have a friend over and we're going to make lunch-dinner. I need to go to Confession, too. And do laundry. And clean the apartment. And do homework.
X is for X-rays you've had: Uhh, the ones from the dentist, and a couple when I was in my little car accident.
Y is for Yummy Food I Make: F would think it's all good, but I'd like to think I have a specialty in something. I'm fond of my blackened chicken with pasta alfredo and broccoli, and of my lasagna and tiramisu from scratch. I make some yummy sloppy joes from scratch too.
Z is for Zodiac sign: In the Western world I'm an Aries (the Ram), but in the Far East I'm a pudgy Pig. I think I'm some sort of tree in the Celtic Zodiac.

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