Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Borg Attachments and Casino Royale

To comply with Arnold's new law before I absolutely have to, I ran out and got a Motorola H500 yesterday (a pink one! But only because they don't come in Digger Green). I must say I like it. Plus I discovered that my phone doesn't require me to set-up any voice recognition software (it "reads" the name I've put into my contact list and calls the number associated with it) so I can make calls without fiddling with my phone.
However, I'm weird about how my contacts are listed. Instead of by [first name], my contact list is [last name], [first name]. The price I pay for organization.
A professor used to joke that cell phones were "Borg attachments". I guess I've really joined the collective now.

Speaking of shiny tech gadgets, I'm very excited for the new Casino Royale movie (releases November 17). I grew up watching Sean Connery and Roger Moore Bond movies, and enjoyed GoldenEye when it released, but the other Pierce Brosnan Bond movies seem to have turned Bond into a womanizing, chauvinistic jerk. Or maybe that's who the character always was, and the Brosnan Bond movies released when I was just finding all of that out.
The same professor who joked about the "Borg attachments" also told me once that Fleming's novels were actually quite good (and I trust this professor's literary taste), and apparently Casino Royale is the first Bond flick since 1989 to be based on Fleming's work. That inspires hope for the masses.
I wasn't really impressed with Daniel Craig as Bond until I saw the trailer the other day. I think he's going to bring cold professionalism to the role, as well as drop the campy chauvinist. He's not sarcastic and disillusioned like Pierce Brosnan's Bond.


Gunner said...

Isn't this a remake? I thought they had done Casino Royale a long time ago(60's or 70's).

Diane Lowe said...

According to Wikipedia, there was an episode of Climax! in the mid-1950s that adapted the story, and there was a spoof in the 60s with David Niven. Plus, a couple Star Trek episodes ("The Royale", from TNG and "Our Man Bashir" from DS9) have references to the novel.

For some reason I also thought that "Never Say Never Again" (which isn't considered part of the James Bond canon), was based on this story too.