Tuesday, February 27, 2007

National Security Is Everyone's Business

Reverse Hacker wins $4.3 Million in suit against Sandia Labs
Q&A Reverse Hacker Describes Ordeal

First piece of advice, don't work for Sandia.

COA doesn't exactly work well in the realm of government secrets, and it looks like Corporate America needs a wake-up call regarding protecting sensitive information. If you have a breach in security, you need to tell people who have a need-to-know. The information has been leaked - you can't get it back. But you can do things to prevent it happening again.

I think Sandia should be cut off from working on government contracts; management there obviously doesn't care about safeguarding sensitive information, and taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for Sandia's recent legal troubles.

It's like no one learned from our intelligence vaccuum of the 1990's. Hello?!? China (insert the names of a few other countries if you like) is not our ally; they want our secrets, and will do anything to get them. Spy vs. Spy is more than just CIA agents working in the back alleys of the armpits of the world, it's more than double agents or spies breaking into our think tanks. It's happening in Corporate America.

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