Monday, February 19, 2007

Starbucks Name Deception

A friend from work and I have started going to Starbucks for coffee. More to get away from work, complain about relationships, etc.

Anyway, Starbucks has a very interesting, LEAN process when it comes to ordering a drink. The particular Starbucks we go to also has enough people on-shift that the ingeniousness of their process is highlighted.

First, a green-aproned employee asks you for your order and name to put on the cup (because some people forget what they order but will probably never forget their name). The cup is passed to the cashier, who rings up your order, takes your money, and passes the cup to the barista. The barista makes your drink and calls out the name on the cup. Unless the line is really, really, long, customers always have "something" to do (give order, pay, pick up drink), and there's rarely a long wait for their coffee. Today the ordering process was short, but the barista was a bit slow, and even then there wasn't too big of a wait for our orders.

Anyway, my friend will often give the order-taker a fake name, "Lucky" or "Bubba", as a joke, and has been encouraging me to do the same. So I thought about this all weekend, something my friend would be really proud to hear. Something that would be easy to write down and read, and something that would be clever enough to warrent more than a smile.

You want to know what I came up with?


(get it?)


GrewUpRural said...

It's short, sweet, and clever!

Diane Lowe said...

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

In N Out used to do the whole call your name thing (it wasn't so lean for them, so they stopped). My friends would always give fake names, Barnum, Aristotle, and Crackhead being the favorites.

Diane Lowe said...

Ahh, In 'N Out. I have yet to blog an ode to that wonderful establishment.