Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Trouble in Yearning for Zion

Abuse Probed at Polygamist Compound
Polygamy Grows Despite Shocking Arrests

If you are an adult and you want to do something way out of the mainstream with other consenting adults, that's cool by me as long as what you're doing isn't physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually harming other people (or animals).

I don't think all is fine in Texas, or anywhere else FLDS compounds are located. These people are raised to blindly obey what their church leaders tell them to do, and the women (some of them are barely adolescent girls) are traded around among the older men.

I've read some opinions where people are upset that children are being taken away from their parents. If you don't think those children are abused in some way, there's something wrong with you. They don't have any formal education and have been taught to fear modern society.

If you think it's OK to force a woman to marry someone against her will there's something wrong with you. If you think it's OK to force a woman to marry another man because her current husband broke some religious law there's something wrong with you.

I hope they find the girl who called the authorities, and I hope they send a lot of people to jail over this one.


Anonymous said...

I hope the men that married underage girls are castrated.

The church "leaders" feel persecuted. Damn right they're being persecuted - and I hope those "leaders" get castrated then executed.

Sure would save on tax dollars spent incarcerating and caring for these scum.

Diane Lowe said...

Sid - yeah that would be really nice, but unfortunately I don't think that is going to happen.

I'm just so glad that Texas is doing what Utah and Arizona didn't have the balls to do. Let's hope this blows the lid off the whole sick network and forces Utah and Arizona to act.

I was reading another article today (I'll post it later) about how difficult it is going to be to get those kids to talk about the abuses going on there. . . .I hope those kids do talk, and I hope that they get put into some loving foster care families.