Friday, July 03, 2009

Fun With Speed Dating

I decided to jump back into dating with trying out speed dating. The premise is that you pay a company some money (I've seen some as expensive as $50, but the one I went to was $36) and you go to a restaurant or club. Everyone is given a card and a number. Typically the girls will sit at the tables or booths and the guys will rotate around every 5 or so minutes. At the end of the event you write down the names of people you would like to see again, and if they want to see you then the organizer of the event will e-mail you later with their contact info.

I've been to a couple of these events and they're really fun. I don't believe I'll actually meet someone there - the point for me is to meet some people, learn a little bit about human behavior, have ridiculous amounts of fun, and go home without having to worry about if any of those dudes will call later.

The second event I went to was a lot more successful for me than the first. I think this was primarily because it was a combined event of older and younger people, and I just happened to be the youngest woman. Dirty old men! ;)

Anyway, I think I already have one date for next week lined up and several more tentatively planned within the next two weeks, so I don't think I'll need to go speed dating for a while. I'm trying to exercise this theory of dating two or three men at the same time to avoid getting to attached to any one particular dude. So hopefully my theory works in practice. I can't even claim that this theory is my own! I think I've read about it from several different authors. (OK, I've definitely heard of this theory from more than just one author, but Diana Kirschner is the only one who comes to mind right now)

Some of the people I've met at these seem all right, some of them I can tell right off that they are not right for me, and some of them are pretty interesting! (At least for those first five minutes)

If you're in L.A., single, and want to try something fun, I recommend SpeedLA Dating. It's a British import, the owner and hostesses I've met all seem very nice, ladies get a free makeup application, and they serve treats! They have events all over Los Angeles (the two I went to were in Hollywood, but they occasionally have events in Manhattan Beach).

1 comment:

Dating said...

I can't even claim that this theory is my own!