Sunday, July 12, 2009

Restaurant Review - 85C

A friend recently introduced me to sea salt coffee at 85 C in Irvine. I've kicked my coffee habit, but whenever I'm in Orange County I want to go there to pick one up. (They've also recently started selling them in a large size . . .I guess even Taiwanese stores are not immune to the Supersize Me problem)

85 C also sells Asian breads/pastries and cakes which are of very high quality. It's worth it to pick up several different breads to take home and eat the next day. But high quality breads are pretty easy to find; to my knowledge 85 C is the only place in the U.S. selling sea salt coffee.

Sea Salt Coffee is an iced, slightly sweetened coffee enhanced by a topping of foamed sea salt. The salty foam is supposed to enhance the sweetness of the coffee. Try it! It's fascinating.

If you're in the area, I recommend checking 85 C out for their specialty sea salt coffee. They are open until at least 10 PM all nights of the week.

85 C
2700 Alton Parkway #123
Irvine, CA 92606
(949) 553-8585

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