Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Daily Adventure

My daily adventure yesterday was to take a bike ride down to the shore. My neighbor who lives below me invited me on a bike ride, and since he owns three bikes he offered to let me borrow one for the trip.

We took off down towards Redondo Beach, then walked through the pier, and biked to Hermosa Pier and had dinner (Sushi!). Then we biked back. All in all I think it was about 10 miles. My neighbor commented that usually people are surprised how much of a workout one's legs get in 10 miles, but I probably could have done a 15-miler and been OK. My legs weren't burning or sore, so maybe working out over the summer did do something good for me!

The sea was a beautiful gray-glass color, and although I wasn't treated to a nice sunset, the fog (or marine layer, depending on who you talk to) created a nice ambiance. Few people were on the beach, so it was nice and un-crowded.


don said...

Cool. That guy can't be all bad. Sounds romantic! I don't know the elevation in Twin Falls, but I suspect it is up there, as I know Butte is and also Salt Lake. Then you went to sea level. That makes you superwoman. (for now)

Jeanie Longo, in the 96 olympic games in Atlanta won the road race if I remember, and she was in her late 30s. But she didn't stay with the French team down at sea level in the hot and humid air. She was faulted for that back then. She spent her time at elevation in Colorado in the cool mountain air and then when it came time for the road race, she flew into Atlanta and won.

Jeanie Longo has won more bike races than any other rider man or woman. She was still winning into her 40s. She wasn't well liked in the peloton. But I'm a big fan. I kind of doubt that she ever doped but who knows?

Diane Lowe said...

What's with everyone trying to find me a new love interest? :)

But I'm very happy to be superwoman! Actually, I'm just estatically happy, possibly for the first time in my life. It's really weird.

I think Twin Falls is around 4,000 in elevation. Someone check wikipedia and correct me if I'm wrong!