Thursday, September 21, 2006

Woo Hoo! California!

So I suppose I'm fairly settled in SoCal now.

Here's a quick overview of the past couple of weeks:

I went to part of the Dodgers-Padres game on Monday; the car broke down in the middle of the freeway (didn't cost TOO much to fix). I didn't stay for the whole game, but it's quite the experience to watch "the wave" go around a stadium with 58,000+ fans. . .twice.

Found a great apartment. Moved into great apartment.

Started work. Lovin' it!

Weirdly, the people here are much more forward. I got propositioned in the elevator at my former hotel the other day. The guy pretty much saw me in the elevator, asked me which floor I was on, and then asked me if I wanted to join him in his room. Hmm. The answer was no, obviously. Men in their late 30's and early 40's have approached me too. It's kind of. . . creepy.

Anyway, I'm really loving California and looking forward to learning Mandarin Chinese, the Argentine Tango, checking out the beach, surfing, etc. I even bought a new bikini. Maybe when I get paid I'll pick up some sunglasses (which apparently is a "must have" accessory here).


don said...

Awesome Diane! You are no longer living in your own private Idaho. (ref B52s) I told one of my friends that you would hook up down there in no time. Choose wisely.

Diane Lowe said...


I don't know about the hooking-up! But I'm totally digging all of the stuff there is to do here!

Tonight's adventure is Argentine Tango in Hollywood!

don said...

Tango!.. It dosen't get any more romantic than that! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are settled! Be happy and call sometime. Dan due home today. Love, Julie

Diane Lowe said...

Tango was so much fun! I'm definitely going to have to find a closer studio to dance at!