Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Girly Health Stuff

I've been going to an acupuncturist since late May for a girly problem I have. Basically, it means my cycles are all screwed up because my hormone levels are all screwed up. The OBGYN I go to wanted to prescribe Metformin and/or BCPs (birth control pills), neither of which I'm ready to try until I know the acupuncture isn't working for me. I really don't want to go on BCPs, mainly because I've tried them before and I don't think they work for me.

I've had some success with acupuncture. It's relaxing and not at all scary. Sometimes the needles hurt when they go in, but mostly all I feel are the pinpricks and then nothing. Sometimes I fall asleep.

I think it's important for women to know about PCOS, because it really wrecks havoc in people's lives. There's a small chance I won't be able to have children. Because of the hormone and metabolic imbalances PCOS can cause, women may gain horrible amounts of weight and have a hell of a hard time working it off. I've lived with acne since puberty because of it. I'm at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes (especially because I have a family history), and endometrial cancer.

I think the acupuncture is working because I think my cycles are becoming more normal. I get PMS (which I never used to get) in a bad way (I think the Eastern theory is that my body is finally processing all of these emotions that have built-up over time) - I get extremely tired, sad and moody. I think I'm unpleasant to be around, and I feel guilty and more sad because I genuinely don't like being bitchy to people I care about.

Sometimes I think I'm selfish because I want clear skin and a more feminine body shape (PCOS can cause women to have an "apple" body shape associated with central obesity). I think I'm selfish because I feel I deserve to have regular cycles.

Then I remember that, compared to others my age, I have a pretty good life. Even compared to others with PCOS, I don't have to shave my face or deal with being morbidly obese.

But I'm still sad about the whole thing.

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