Friday, July 11, 2008

He's Onto Us

The Joker's Onto Us

I have a ticket to see "The Dark Knight: The IMAX Experience" the Monday after the film releases.

I've been eagerly awaiting this film since before seeing the special 6 minute trailer in IMAX for "I Am Legend".

Batman has always been an interesting character for me to watch and study. I really enjoyed the animated series from the early 90's, which was one of the last hand-drawn cartoon series and implemented a "dark deco" art style and color scheme. It was both nostalgic and modern, the characters psychologically real yet larger-than-life.

I loved the idea of this tragically dark character, who through sheer force of will took all his resources to produce something good in life. What an ultimate sacrifice.

I've been impressed with Nolan's interpretation of the character and his world on the silver screen, and eagerly wait the next installment.


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any trailers yet (we don't get out much - though the last flick we saw was "Kung Fu Panda" on the IMAX), but I'm looking forward to this movie.

Big time.

I'm salivating.

Five words:

Christian Bale and Heath Ledger.

Diane Lowe said...

I'm so excited for this film I've got the shakes. . . . .

I recently re-watched Batman Begins and I've got to say. . . .damn what a great film. There were moments where Batman isn't quite Batman and you can tell it's Christian Bale under there, but it's still a great film.

From the trailers and everything I've read and seen of The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger just melts into The Joker. And the clips I've seen of Christian Bale as Batman, I get the feeling he's figured out how to do that too.