Friday, October 28, 2005

Wigging Out

My ex-fiance, while I don't hate him, I don't feel any real love for him either. Last year he taunted me constantly whenever we ran into each other in town, and I'm neither witty nor clever enough to come up with equally hurtful taunts (which is probably a good thing). I wanted to pull a "STFU!" domokun. (I guess you would have to see the image. It's hilarious.)
The rumor about him being in town this weekend is true. I saw his pickup at the Greens today, probably visiting with the people he used to room with.
I hope, no, I pray that I don't see him tomorrow night. I hope that he goes back to wherever he came from after his exam tomorrow. Knowing my luck, he'll be too tired/stressed to drive back and he'll go out partying tomorrow after the test. So then I have to hope that he doesn't know about the $10 (for men; it's only $8 for the ladies) all-you-can-drink costume party at the KC. And if he does, I hope that the supreme Catholicness of the building will keep him away.

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