Thursday, August 10, 2006

An Impromptu, Unexpected Sociology Experiment

Yesterday, I wore a short, flouncy skirt (for those who know better, it was an above-the-knee circle skirt) because I wanted to. The real reason was that my mom had just made it for me from some really pretty material. I was fairly amused with the amount of attention I was getting from male salespeople, and I think it was the skirt's fault.

At Big 5 Sporting Goods, a short gentleman asked me multiple times if I needed help before and after he helped me find some weightlifting gloves (which I did purchase).
The next stop was Barnes & Noble, where a taller book stocker asked me if I needed help when I was already browsing through a book. That was when I started getting suspicious.
Finally I went to Gold's Gym to get a membership (gotta get those glutes in gear!), where the sales rep constantly complimented on how good I looked, and if I would like to go out dancing sometime. After asking some deeply personal questions (Do I have a boyfriend? Would he mind it if I went out dancing? Does he mind if I go to the gym on my own?), I decided that the sales rep really should mind his own business and that I would only wear the skirt if I wanted male attention.

Someone please tell me what's so hard about, "Hi, I'm ______ and I think you're cute. Are you available for coffee/lunch/a chat sometime?"? Maybe I'm not used to being overly helped, but being direct is always more impressive to me.

Or maybe they were really just being helpful and I'm just arrogant and paranoid.

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