Monday, January 15, 2007

Luxury Items

When I was living in Montana there would be certain things I wanted to get when I was visiting my parents for the holidays and we had our obligatory trip to Las Vegas. These items included body butter from The Body Shop and Chanel lipstick (or my new favorite, Shiseido).

Now that I live in a mecca of cosmetics and body-pampering products and services, I've noticed I really don't take advantage of my new-found easy accessibility of said products and services.

Maybe it's because I already have the body butters and lipsticks that I want, but I think it's more along the lines of those items are no longer a luxury to me. If I want body butter, I can drive to a mall that has a Body Shop and get some. Chanel cosmetics? I can drive to any mall and find makeup to my heart's content.

Do you know what I now consider my luxury items? Coach purses. Pedicures. Facials (which I've never had before). Really good sushi.

I haven't been clubbing here yet, but I'd love to go dancing. You know they have different clubs for different styles of music/dancing? That blows my mind, coming from a place that had maybe two places to go dancing in, and both played relatively similar music.

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