Tuesday, January 09, 2007

You Never Know Who Might Be Interested In You

Girl decides to create a profile on an online dating website, despite lack of success with similar websites in the past. Boy sees profile and e-mails girl.

Turns out, boy and girl work for the same company. Even though the girl has a personal policy against dating coworkers, the girl decides it might be all right, since the boy is on a rotational program and they probably won't be working at the same site for too long.

Turns out, boy and girl not only work for the same company, they also work in the same building, on the same floor, supporting the same project (but have never met before)! What are the odds?

I went out with the guy on Sunday; we met in downtown Long Beach and wandered around. We walked down to the beach and then walked back up to downtown and "had coffee". We actually both got tea, but having tea isn't quite the same concept as having coffee. What do they call the experience when you "have coffee" but drink tea?

He seems like a nice enough fellow, and he seems complex enough that I won't get bored or frustrated. I didn't get a kiss, but will probably let him have a second date. I'm leaving my guard up, though. I've had too many bad dating experiences in college and I don't want to get myself into one now that I'm in "the big city".

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