Sunday, May 04, 2008

Movie Review - Eastern Promises

This Viggo Mortensen Russian mafia film is fantastic. There are scenes not quite for the faint-of-heart (it's rated R for a reason!) but as a whole it's deliciously complex and satisfying.

The plot twist is predictable (or maybe I read one-too-many film reviews), but knowing beforehand doesn't take away from the film. This one is definitely re-watchable.

The violent scene where Viggo fights bad guys in the nude was harder to watch because of the brute violence, not for the nudity as I expected. But then again, I'm not a guy so there's no way I could have that perspective. I could probably go into the psychology of that scene (the idea of fighting naked as opposed to fighting clothed, who we are when we're clothed as opposed to exposed, etc.), but I'll pass.

Viggo's Russian accent is sexy, and he uses his charisma to fantastic effect in the film (and on the audience). His character's soft spot for women is especially touching.

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