Monday, May 29, 2006

Job Hunting

My job hunting has boiled down to a two-pronged attack on the job market:
I'm applying for computer science type jobs in the states that look interesting to me
I'm applying to schools in Taiwan

I apply to about 5-10 jobs a weekday, depending on what I can dig up on the internet.
So far, I've gotten some nibbles from Taiwan, but nothing definite yet.

I've come to the conclusion that job-hunting is the most butt-kicking occupation out there. Filling out different online applications, all of which require you to push your strengths (most of mine, I believe, are called "soft skills", a.k.a. communication and writing skills). Then you invariably wait for the "We're sorry, but currently we are not searching for someone with your unique blend of skills and qualifications" or the non-response.

To improve the situation, the nibbles I've gotten from Taiwan all expect me to be over there for a job interview. Which would be great except that I have no idea when I'm going to be over there.

Maybe I should just pack up my apartment, store 99% of my stuff in Idaho, and take myself and two bags of luggage (one nested inside the other) to Taiwan.

Who knows? Maybe I do need to pull a crazy stunt like that. If someone out there has a better clue please fill me in.

Post Script: Do you know what this reminds me of? Learning to drive. It's absolutely terrifying to think that I am in control of my life. After being told for years what to do, no one exactly handed me an education on how to decide what to do. I went to confession the other day, and the priest said to look for feelings of peace and comfort in my options and to go with the one that gave me the most sense of security. OK, he didn't say it like that, because there was a lot of religion thrown in, but you get the idea. What would really help me is if I had a dream or aspiration. Unfortunately, the last one of those got shot down about a year ago and I haven't been able to conjure up another one since.

1 comment:

Trixie Granny said...

I soooo feel for you. I just went through the job hunting process myself. This and my recent soul searching have thrown me into a vast state of indecision. I think it's just a matter of picking somethig and going with it. If it doesn't work out, well I am likely to at least learn a lesson along the way.

I wish you the best!