Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Nerdy Wine

Wine shopping, while fun, can be incredibly time consuming. Unless you're a connoisseur, chances are you'll stare at the bottles until you can figure out if you want a white, a red, or possibly a rose wine. Then you'll stare at the bottles until you figure out what grape of wine you want, and/or possibly a particular brand/vinyard.

Well, my fellow nerds, I've found the perfect wine.

The Little Penguin

Not only is the labelling irresistably cute, but I've also discovered that Linus Torvalds, of Linux fame, was bitten by a Little Penguin (the animal for which the wine is named after), which inspired Torvalds to use a Little Penguin for the mascot of his operating system (Tux, if you don't know). How can you not love a bottle as fun as this?

On their website, there's also a personality test (making wine shopping that much easier) which allows types your personality to their wine. My friends, I'm a merlot.
"With your charm and charisma, it's no wonder you're so popular. It is that easy-going attitude that makes you the preferred penguin wherever you are. Of course, you're not one to squawk, but you can't help it if your plumage turns heads. Rest assured, you are as smooth as a bottle of the Little Penguin Merlot."
Ironically enough, I'm having the Merlot tonight with lasagna.

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