Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Business Attire

For a professional job interview, the general idea is to wear business attire. Or rather, one step up from what you would wear to the job. I've been invited to a dinner "thing" the night before I interview with a company. At first I wasn't really concerned, but now I feel like I should wear "something" besides slacks and a dress shirt to the dinner.

I don't want to go out and buy a new suit. I had a hard enough time searching for the first one. What should I do? Wear the suit to the dinner and the interview? Wear the suit jacket with a skirt? The dinner is at a hotel, so I think a t-shirt and shorts are out of the picture. (It's going to be hot though! I thought we were supposed to be comfortable!)

On top of all this, I need to pick out another top to wear with the suit I already have. Ick. Whoever said getting a job was easy lied.


don said...

I'm a guy, but I asked a woman who has experience with this. A conservative skirt and blouse or dress for dinner. The Business suit for the interview. It sort of depends on how formal the dinner and the culture of the company.

I'm not a fan of business suits on women, so I'd go with skirt/blouse/dress for dinner. That's just me however.

Found your blog intersting as I'm from Montana and also have mormon relatives and there are lots of them here where I live. Plus wanted to let you know your blog had a hit.

Good luck with the interview!

Diane Lowe said...

Thanks for the heads up! I think I'll go with your suggestion on the blouse & skirt for the dinner and the business suit for the interview.

I was contacted by their travel department yesterday and apparently they are planning a "sight seeing" tour the afternoon of my interview as well.

I would assume the dinner is a business-formal type affair, with probably a company presentation thrown in the mix. As far as the company's culture is concerned, I would venture to say they're "business casual"; definitely not IBM of the 80's.

Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog!