Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A visit to the Monastery of the Ascension

My excitement for the day (because if I didn't have any excitement I wouldn't have anything to write about) was going to the local monastery. The Monastery of the Ascension is just a little North of Twin Falls; probably a 15-minute drive or so from the center of town. (Or maybe I was just a little spacey today and I have no idea how long I was driving) At any rate, it's not far.

While they didn't have what I was looking for (a breviary/Liturgy of the Hours cover), they do have a neat bookstore with all sorts of interesting books on different facets of Catholicism. Since it's a Benedictine monastery, they have a lot of books on the Benedictine order and St. Benedict in general. But they have a lot of other stuff, too, like the "Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius", for example (a copy of which I bought there).

Obviously, the monastery is much more modern than I care my religious places to be, but the people there were nice, and I like their bookstore. Call me picky, but maybe I'll need to move to Europe for consistantly old buildings. Or maybe I just don't like so-called new age Christian architecture.

As much as I didn't care for the building, a lot of care was taken to make the grounds seem isolated. Trees surrounded the building and lined the road into the monastery. For some reason, I totally dig isolation. I like people and being social, but I also like the idea of having a place in the middle of nowhere (but not too close to nowhere, if you know what I mean) with nothing but my thoughts. Having friends over to share them would be nice too.


don said...

There is a montastary on one of my bike rides up in the hills that is very cool. It is also a girls school. I rode past it Sunday while they were having mass. It isn't far off of my commute so I'll ride over there tomorrow and take a photo of it for you and make a post on my blog.

Diane Lowe said...

Nice. Thanks!