Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Cold. . . In Summer

So I think I'm getting a cold. Yuck. Not a good time for one to strike, since my interview in Los Angeles is on Friday. F thinks I should try out some sympathy on my interviewers, but I'm of the opinion that business rarely falls for the sympathy plea. Maybe I'm cynical, but I think it's practical. If they even notice I have a cold, me saying nothing about it will say much more about me than whining about it to them.

It started yesterday morning when I woke up with a scratchy throat. It was followed in the afternoon with a severe case of the munchies. Today the throat has turned into a mild sore throat and I'm feeling kind of achy and fatigued. All the yuckies I feel are from the throat up, so maybe it won't be too bad.

My course of action is a lot of ColdEeze, sleep, and oranges. While I've never experienced the 4.4-day-cold that is the average for ColdEeze, at least I feel better.

My hope is that it doesn't turn into a full-blown cold. (Who the hell gets colds in the summer anyway? And I blame the public library for my initial exposure to this bug.) It's happened before; last Thanksgiving I spend almost the entire Thanksgiving weekend playing nurse to F, who had a throat infection so bad he had to go to the emergency room and take a lot of antibiotics. That Monday I had a funny-feeling throat, but I never did get sick.

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