Monday, April 16, 2007

D&D Night

Studying something like computers inevitably allows one to soak up various aspects of nerd, geek, and dork culture. This is a given because otherwise you will miss the humor in the term, "making one's saving throw versus death", among other geekspeak.

Friday night, I participated in an old-fashioned, paper-and-pencil game of Dungeons & Dragons. Did you feel the disturbance in the Force?

I had fun! Imagine that! I have a theory regarding role-playing games that, like acting, enables people to learn about the human condition in a relatively safe way.

I am possibly a bad actress, but I thoroughly enjoyed more-experienced role-players voicing their characters. Watching the Dungeon Master that night was very interesting. He went from pulp-fictionesque villain to goblin to frightened guard without blinking an eye. It was amazing. (Yes I'm biased, but it was still awesome to watch)

And yes, dorkiness is possibly the epitome of unsexy. Except for maybe smoking cigarettes, cruelty to people or animals, and evilness in general. But you get the idea.

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