Thursday, April 19, 2007

Putting Things Into Perspective

Thank God the Blacksburg Killer Only Had Guns

Yes, I think what happened at Virginia Tech is tragic. I don't think the actions of any one person surrounding Cho Seung-Hui could have stopped him from doing what he did. Maybe if society as a whole were more respectful of others, this and other miscellaneous tragedies could have been avoided.

What was it that someone said? The number of people who die doesn't change, just different people? What am I referencing here?

What is the value of human life? Is an American's life more important than an Iraqi's? (Obviously to Americans and their families) Is a student's life more important than a market vendor's? Are we suffering from compassion fatigue because violence is a part of life in the Middle East and violence is not a part of ours?

1 comment:

Diane Lowe said...

FYI, what I've written above DOES NOT mean that I think what he did was OK in any way. It's completely wrong to kill people just because your life is sucking at this moment.

But I also think that if society as a whole didn't suck so much at caring for our fellow neighbor, maybe this could have been avoided.