Monday, April 30, 2007


My favorite professor from college once told me that people are inherently broken. The closer I get to people, the closer I get to myself, I believe it.

Is it possible to get un-broken? Is it possible for me to say that events A, B, and C in my life seriously were the cause of all the SNAFUery (I didn't make it up, I promise!) in my life and doing X, Y and Z things will be the salve that heals the burn?

Or is the brokenness irreparable, and we are forced to plod ahead and hope that we can meet people/do actions/have feelings that will cause us to be less broken in the future?

Either path, both full of hope, are equally full of bloody heart-rendering and tears so bitter you can hardly taste the sweetness in life. But only if you're honest with yourself, and you must be if you hope to truly mend.

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