Friday, December 02, 2005

I Need To Get More Girlfriends

Not that there's anything wrong with my guy friends, but let me illustrate:

I have two very good friends, who happen to be guys and happen to also be brothers. A typical night involves me going to their apartment so I can watch T.V.
Tonight, I found out why men have nipples (because if women went around twisting each others' nipples, that would just be weird. It's funny if men do it) and one of my friends put a glove on his head and pretended to be a deer. (Or reindeer, or elk, or whatever) Let's not forget the vast amount of sexual, sacrilegious jokes that get passed around as well.

I asked my other friend for advice on what I should wear to this party I'm going to tonight (because I honestly tried to dream up something appropriate and couldn't). When a girl has to ask a guy for advice on what to wear, something is wrong.

Don't get me wrong, my guy friends are funny, great people to hang out with.

But they're also the reason why I'm seriously twisted.

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