Thursday, December 08, 2005

On the End of the Semester and Being a Bad Bridesmaid

I've finally recovered from my wallet & phone theft. I received my new/real driver's license (as opposed to the green paper one) in the mail, as well as my new credit card. Other than my Barnes & Noble Member card, I think I have my wallet back to where it should be.
I think I've had enough of this subzero weather. Either that, or the end of semester has killed my motivation to do anything productive (besides bitch on my blog, but I wouldn't count that as being productive). All I want to do is sleep, and eat, and sleep some more. Not exactly the best thing to do when you have an eight page paper due Friday. Oh well. It will get done, and it will be praiseworthy. That's all I can really say. At least I can be looking forward to a toasty 22 degrees Monday.
Word on the street is that I'll only get $5 back for my British Literature text. While depressing, the book has been tainted with the evil stench of that class and I'd rather have the $5 to buy a cup of coffee or something. Too bad I won't have enough cash to buy a copy of Beowulf like I planned. At least I finished the class without killing/maiming anyone or myself.
My roommate has been eagerly prepping for her wedding next Friday. I believe I'm starting to get excited about it, because it will be a gorgeous event (and a reason for me to dress up!). This will be my first go as a bridesmaid, and Janice had the good taste to pick out some pretty dresses. Amusing to me, the dress is cut so as to create major cleavage, even on a non-busty femme fatale such as myself. When I tried on the dress, Janice zipped me up, and then we both bust out laughing when we saw how I looked in the mirror. This dress will require a trip to Bozeman this weekend to pick out. . .more appropriate undergarments at one of my two favorite stores in the mall there.
I'm afraid I haven't been the best bridesmaid. Janice and I have somewhat different tastes when it comes to "stuff", and I haven't been very vocal on much of anything, because I'd rather she have a wedding gala that catered to her personality rather than my own. I'm willing to help out, but usually when she asks my opinion on something, I don't have much of an answer for her. Sometimes I can clarify something for a vendor when she asks what Janice wants and Janice doesn't have an answer. ("Yes, she wants an antique-look, and colors such as brown, cream, pink and green would be much appreciated.") But other than my few-and-far-between epiphanies, when I'm asked a question regarding her wedding all I can do is give a blank stare and say, "Que?".

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