Sunday, March 25, 2007

Communicating Through Mind-Melds

What is desire? What is wanting something so badly you must have it at all costs? What a great feeling it must be to want someone so badly, to want to reach out and communicate with someone at such an intimate level that it hurts. Is that only lust?

What does it feel like to need to, I don't know what to call it, mind-meld with someone on an intimate level? I'm not thinking about sex; I'm thinking about the connection one could make if they touched someone so that each would know what the other was thinking and feeling. If we could mind-meld, would there be no misunderstandings?

People are such social creatures. But we're so far away. When we touch it's a light year away, and IM must have been so people between galaxies could speak.


don said...

Your post brought to mind something Katharine Hepburn once said in an interview that has always stuck with me. She said something like; two people can be really close and even get married. But they can never really make that complete contact with eachother. That isn't the exactly the way she put it. I've always wondered about that, and to what degree we can connect with another person. Perhaps that separation is what continues to draw people together?

Diane Lowe said...

Maybe. That sounds like as plausible a reason as any.

I really like Katharine Hepburn, even though I only remember her from "The African Queen".

The Wordpecker said...

Cool post. I suspect that often we are neither honest with ourselves nor honest with each other. I don't mean to say that we are intentionally deceitful so much as not-actualized. I suspect this is the reason most of us are prevented from connecting with someone else at that deepest level. I suspect, as well, that there are those that can and do.

Diane Lowe said...


Mmm. I suspect that you are correct. I think a big part of it is that we fail to connect to other people generally. We don't have heart-to-heart talks with anyone except ourselves - and even then sometimes we don't even have heart-to-heart talks with ourselves either. We treat others as "its" as opposed to "thous"(from Martin Buber's "I and Thou" concept). We forget about the other consciousness that people have when we interact with them.