Friday, March 16, 2007

Cookies In The Office

Last night a few students, including me, brought treats to eat after the final exam. The treats I brought were Diddy Riese cookies from that famous little shop on Broxton. (If you go, make sure to try their ice cream sandwich made with two freshly baked cookies of your choice and a scoop of Dreyer's ice cream, vanilla or otherwise!)

I overestimated the number I cookies I should have brought by two-fold. So I took the remaining cookies to work today to leave in the breakroom kitchen for whoever might want a sweet round of pure sugary bliss to get them through their Friday.

One woman I know stopped by my office to say, "Thank you; I know what you did and it was nice of you to do." Cryptic, unless you were in on the secret.

Just now I stopped by the kitchen to refill my tea mug with hot water. There was a guy peering into the bag of cookies.

"Oh man," he says. "Whoever left these cookies here didn't know that I was in the building."

All I could do was smile.

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