Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mr. Bento is Here!

Mr. Bento finally arrived yesterday, and I was up half the night because I was so excited about making lunch. Who knew?

So, what's for lunch?

A cut-up Plum
Fresh Green Beans I boiled in some hot water last night
Two soy sauce (or "brown") eggs with some savory sliced tofu that was steeped in the same brine
A lychee gel cup

The soy sauce eggs are one of my favorite ways to eat eggs. What you do is hard-boil some eggs, then when they're cooked you remove their shells, and steep them in a brine made up of water, soy sauce, a TB of brown sugar, and some star anise (you can add some cinnamon too) for a few hours. There's a recipe for them in Chinese One Dish Meals; unfortunately, I think that book is out of print. Chinese Rice and Noodles I've heard has a lot of overlapped recipes from One Dish Meals and may have the recipe in question. I recommend Wei-Chuan's series of cookbooks; their recipes are quite authentic.

I'm not sure how "healthy" it is for me to be eating a lot of eggs, although I read in Runner's World it's OK for runners to eat two eggs a day. Hopefully I'm not misquoting them. On the bright side, I could be eating something truly unhealthy like a burger.


don said...

I'll have to try making those eggs. Protein is good for recovery. I've heard that chocolate milk makes a good recovery drink and it is less expensive than the dry protein mixes.

Diane Lowe said...

Here's a blurb from Runner's World that I found. I have a hard copy of the article somewhere at home.

This is going to sound weird, but it's not that bad to drink after a run. I'm fond of Hershey's Special Dark syrup.

don said...

I read that blurb. It Confirms what I had heard.

I have two packages of recovery drink. I can't remember what brand. I got them free with orders of clothing. I've never even tried them. I drink a lot of skim milk however.