Friday, May 11, 2007

Cool Ink!

Live Ink Offers Better Way To Read Text Online
Live Ink Homepage

Basically, Live Ink takes text in block format (the standard way of how we read) and restructures the text to make it easier for us to read. Turns out the human eye naturally focuses on a "spot" better than a "line". By restructuring the text, students have been able to raise their reading proficiency by 10-15 percentile points (U.S. Dept. of Education - sponsored study).

The Live Ink homepage has lengthy samples (under demo) of their text restructuring. Who knew Moby Dick would be easy to read?

I should start
writing in chunks
like this.

Perhaps more people would
read my blog
and be inspired
to leave a thought.

Or perhaps I should just stick with the standard, block form provided to me by Blogger. At least until we switch over to Live Ink.


don said...

I've thought about this. (in a way) Not so much spots but short blocks. I have a formula that I use when I write and blog.

But now and then I just cut loose and write. (like I just did on my own blog.) I might get ride of it. I do that. Part of my thing is that I write something and then leave it. Then I go back and weed out everything I can. And sometimes nothing is left, and I get rid of the whole thing.

If a blog entry goes on and on I won't stay with it. Unless I'm in the right mood or unless it draws me in right away.

I think I'm somewhat dyslexic when it comes to reading. or ADD or something. It was no doubt one of my learning problems. When I start reading a book, it has to really draw me in or I start thinking off in another other directions and find my own thoughts or visual observations more interesting than what I'm reading.

This is probably already off of your point.

Diane Lowe said...

Raymond Chandler had a very interesting method for revising his manuscripts.

I don't think I have any sort of formula when I write. Or if I do I haven't consciously noticed it yet.