Monday, May 21, 2007

Fireworks at Angels Stadium

I went to the Dodgers-Angels game on Friday night in Anaheim. Angels Stadium is much cleaner than Dodger Stadium, and the seating doesn't go all away around the field like Dodger Stadium. they do, however, have a nice rock waterfall that sits out behind centerfield.

The Dodgers lost 9-1. Oh well; next time I suppose. It was a fairly lackluster game.

It was a "Fireworks Friday" night, so they turned down the stadium lights after the game and we were treated to a nice fireworks show, choreographed to a few 80's standards and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. I thought it was a pretty show, brilliantly choreographed and with fancy fireworks. Maybe I'm blind or forgetful, but I don't think I've seen fireworks with multiple colors in the starbursts. I really am getting spoiled living in SoCal.

Here are some tips for going to an Angels' game:
-Get there early; we were about an hour early and were able to get $5 parking across the street from the stadium (as opposed to paying $8 at the stadium)
-Hot dogs are a delicious baseball game necessity. The "300" level has a place where you can get savory garlic fries to accompany your beer and hot dog. They're nothing like a Dodger Dog, though. (I'm not even a big sports fan! What's wrong with me?) Grab extra "moist towelettes"; I saw some from Hooters with witty sayings on the back of the wrappers.
-The wandering food vendors (the ones with the cotton candy, ice cream, etc) are not very bright. If you have a question, it's best to seek out one of the nice people in striped shirts and straw hats. They're the ones in the know.
-Wear Dodger Blue. Gotta Represent, you know!

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