Monday, May 14, 2007

Movie Review - Spider-Man 3

I went to Spider-Man 3 this weekend. I don't think it was bad, but I don't think it was great either. I enjoyed the final battle, which (I thought) was really good.

I think it was an textbook case of trying to cram in way too much in 140 minutes. None of the subplots are explored very deeply. Also, the "theme" the marketing is pushing doesn't really leave much for one to come away with the movie with much of anything. Toby Maguire doing 'cool' is not pretty to see, even if it is a stab at the whole emo image. Now I must reiterate that eyeliner looks good on no man.

Someone please explain this plothole: Harry threatens Mary Jane, who breaks up with Peter Parker and says she's seeing Harry. Raimi set up this great love triangle and then let it crash terribly. Why would Mary Jane "go along" with the MJ/Harry relationship if Harry clearly doesn't have her best interests in mind? Weak female characters!!!!

The film, right from the opening credits, is heavily dependant on the previous two films (especially the first Spider-Man film).

Kirstin Dunst doesn't look her best in this film. Whoever does the costume designing tends to pick colors that don't look good on her. The drab brown dress she was wearing in the last scene was terrible! I'm starting to develop a theory that MJ was supposed to be a more assertive, sassy character. Or maybe I just like setting myself up for disappointment. Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen Stacy was lovely.

The special effects are great, but nothing really new or bleeding edge. I thought the special effects for Sandman were pretty good, especially as he emerges from the particle accelerator (or whatever physics toy that was).

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