Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Pen

A lady from work gave me a pen today. She and her husband went to Ronald Reagan's Presidential Library and had a souvenir portrait taken of them on Air Force One. The pen she gave me was a souvenir pen from Air Force One.

I thought it was very kind of her. I've been having a couple rough weeks and this one gesture of selfless kindness really meant something to me.

I've been feeling lonely and isolated and her stopping by my office to say hello was a kind reminder that I'm not quite so isolated.

It's difficult living in a time when words come cheaply, especially living among a sea of people.

It's so impossible to ask for something as simple as a hug, we're so apart from one another. We're so poor at bridging those spaces between us when we need to most. When all you need is a touch to reconnect yourself to another person, to humanity. My words are poor substitutes for the concept I'm thinking of; I don't know the words for intimately connecting on a better plain of consciousness. Some place where there are no misunderstandings.


don said...

That was nice of her to give you that pen. I still have a pen my dad used.

Diane Lowe said...

It was very kind of her.

Sideon said...

**big hugs from the East Bay**