Thursday, August 09, 2007

They Don't Smell?

It's an either a highly self-affirming or pathetic moment when a woman buys flowers for herself. I've been feeling quite melancholic lately so I decided to buy some flowers to cheer me up. At least I'll have something pretty to look at that will make me smile, won't I?

I found an attractive bouquet of orange lilies. They're very pretty to look at, and definitely make me smile.

They don't smell. Since when do florists stock flowers that don't smell nice? 86.4% of the reason I wanted the flowers was because I thought having something to smell nice would cheer me up!

Well, they do look pretty. I guess if I wanted something to smell nice I could have bought the special 36-sweetheart-rose bouquet.

Maybe next time I need a flower hit that's what I'll do. In the meantime I'll have to make due on looking at them and refilling the vase with fresh water.

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