Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I'm A Leaf On The Wind - Watch Me Soar

I don't know what happened the past couple of days that turned my mood around.

Okay, I have an idea, but I never knew that it would bring me into the happiest state I've ever known myself to be in. I wish I could share the gritty details but it's a little too personal to share with the world. Some secrets are best left secrets.

I feel like everything is clicking for me and my life and I'm just living Life up! It's very soul-fulfilling and I totally dig that!

A friend told me today that he has never seen me happier - even when I was with the guy I used to be so in love with.

I've started working out again, and that feels great.

I've been mega productive at work, and that feels great.

I've been scoping out some dating prospects - there's a super cute guy in my Chinese class, and there's a couple others I've picked up on my SONAR. The net has been cast, and I'm in no hurry to reel anyone in.

My social life is going to be incredible the next couple of weeks - I've got all sorts of parties and fun things planned. I'm going to a friend's party this Saturday (an excuse to dig out the Little Black Dress, high heels and hairspray), and Knott's Scary Farm next Friday. I'll probably go dancing the week after that.

I feel so high on life - it's been kicked into fifth gear and shows no signs of slowing down!

I'm a leaf on the wind - watch me soar!

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