Tuesday, March 04, 2008

New Morning Routine

I added something to my morning routine today that I think will require a little extra coordination and some practice.

I tend to drink a lot of tea as my caffeine source, but sometimes I just have to have a cup of coffee. Especially since my exposure to using sweetened condensed milk as creamer.

To treat myself (Don't I treat myself enough?) I bought a small coffeemaker and a coffee grinder. The grinder has an automatic shut-off feature, but I didn't let the coffee grind to that point and it turned out to be finer than I expected. The recommended amount of coffee turned out to be a little too much (for both the grinder and the coffeemaker), so maybe I just like weaker coffee. It's a work in progress.

If I have coffee everyday for a month I'll have paid for the coffeemaker and the grinder with what I probably would have spent at Starbucks. I like that idea. Their drinks are too sugary for me anyway.

Now the trick is to incorporate making coffee into my morning routine so it becomes automatic and I don't have to focus on what I have to do so I can be out the door that much quicker. I just want to have that coffee in my thermos when I'm ready to leave the apartment.


The Wordpecker said...

I know how important your food and your health is to you so...in case you didn't already know...coffee is the most-sprayed food crop. Buy organic! (and if I may insert my 2cents, please also consider buying fair trade.)

Nothing, in my opinion, beats a cup of freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning.

Diane Lowe said...

I had no idea coffee was the most-sprayed food crop! :-O That's so scary!

I'm sure I'll be able to find organic (and fair trade) beans here. :-)

The coffee ritual has definitely become a new favorite of mine. I could function without it, but my life would have lost an unduplicated pleasure.