Friday, September 09, 2005

Advantages to Working for a TLA

I was chatting with one of my favourite professors today, and he brought up a brilliant point.

When I work for a TLA (Three Letter Agency), I'll probably have lots of girlfriends that do a similar job at the TLA (unlike at Tech, where girls, especially in Computer Science/Software Engineering, are few and very far between), and have a pretty good idea of who the dickwads are in the Washington DC area.

This professor describes a scene in a restaurant or club, when I say to a fellow, "Uh, sorry, but according to the dossier my friends have compiled on you, you're a scumbag. Goodbye." And then snap a photo with my phone so the file can be updated.

I don't really think this will ever happen (because, seriously, national security is much more important than a bunch of single girls keeping a file system on the local lowlifes), but the idea of it is entertaining.

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